Development of Border Epidemiological Surveillance in the context of globalization: concepts and benchmarks.
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How to Cite

Bruniera-Oliveira, R. B.-O., Horta, M. A. P. P., Belo, V. S. S., CARMO, E. H., & Verani, J. F. S. (2014). Development of Border Epidemiological Surveillance in the context of globalization: concepts and benchmarks. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 8(3), Pág. 75–93.


Objective. To analyze the actions for implementation and development of Epidemiological Surveillance of Borders in Multinationals trade bloc, particularly in South America and Brazil, to suggest new actions to aiming to improve current programs. Methods. A narrative review of documents was conducted including scientific articles, technical documents, guidelines, manuals, agendas of meetings or any other document that was related to development and implementation of epidemiological surveillance at Borders. The study was based on the websites of the institutions / multinationals organizations and in the MedLine, PubMed, Scopus and SciELO. Results. It was identified the establishment of agencies and actions in order to implement and to develop border surveillance for the following trade blocs: European Union (Health Security Committee, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Rapid Alert System and response, General Rapid Alert System and a Monitoring Ad Hoc Network), the North American Free Trade Agreement (Border Infectious Disease Surveillance, “Project Monitoring and Early Warning Infectious Disease”), the Southern Common Market (the Meeting of Ministers of Health of MERCOSUR (RMS), 11 Health Sub-Working Group, Subcommittee and Sanitary Control of Ports, Airports, Terminals and Steps Frontier Land) and Union South American Nations. Conclusion. The programs and policies developed reflect the recognition of importance of the subject by the WHO Member States, since the world is moving forward to higher connectivity and integration. Greater integration with exchange of information, including flows, frameworks, preparation plans and strengthening of strategic areas such as energy and transportation should be promoted within and between blocs.
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