How would you like to be taken care of in old age? Opinions of Municipal Health Counselors of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.
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How to Cite

Lopes, R. G. da C. G. da C., Oliveira, B. O., Concone, M. H. V. B., Côrte, B. C., Alves, V. P. A., & Nobrega, O. N. (2014). How would you like to be taken care of in old age? Opinions of Municipal Health Counselors of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 8(3), Pág. 109–123.


Knowing that community participation contributes at local level to the formulation of strategies and control in the implementation of health policies, the aim of this study was to present the standpoint of Counselors acting in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP) about how they would like to be taken care of in 2030, year adopted in allusion to their own old age. We employed the descriptive method to interpret semi-structured interviews conducted with 39 volunteer subjects. Besides revealing the socio-demographic profile of the RMSP Health Counselors, our study revealed that these respondents have freely adopted three other significant categories in their speeches, in addition to the ‘how’ to be cared, namely ‘by whom’,’ where’ and ‘when’. The views reflect a load of idealization and contrast to the care directed by the Brazilian SUS to the elderly person at present.
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